
Contact Us

Address: 3 Jeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea Telephone: 02-730-6611 The telephone will connect you to the Cathedral - please ask for the Vicar of the English Mission. Email: Facebook Korean website for the Anglican Cathedral of Seoul


Subway directions: Take the green line (line 2) or the dark blue line (line 1) to City Hall exit 3. After climbing the stairs, walk straight and take first left turn. You'll immediately see the Cathedral on your right. The English Mission meets in the Crypt Chapel -- the entrance is on the lower level of the grounds. Taxi directions: The Cathedral is in front of / next to the British embassy and close to the Koreana Hotel. If using a taxi, tell driver to pass the Koreana Hotel and turn at the second right. You'll immediately see the Cathedral on your right. Googlemap directions: 3 Jeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea


9.30 AM Sunday Service with Holy Communion is held in the Seoul Anglican Cathedral Crypt. Main Cathedral open for visiting Monday to Saturday. 11am to 5pm (4pm Korean Holidays) April through September, 11am to 4pm October through March.

About Us

Who We Are: We are a welcoming and inclusive faith community. We actively reach out to welcome everyone to join us in worship, service, and Christian education and to grow in knowledge and love of Christ Jesus. We are a worshiping community. Acknowledging our fears and failures in an uncertain world and celebrating our blessings of living in a foreign land, we gather to worship God together. God is the strongest power to connect us, and being connected to God is to be truly blessed. We are a fellowship community of people from diverse cultural backgrounds where everyone is encouraged to realise their calling according to their talents. Our fellowship is more than just greetings; we come together to serve God and share our lives in worship, prayer, and action. Church Affiliation: Anglican Church of Korea (Anglican Communion), Diocese of Seoul. Although the English Mission operates in the Anglican Cathedral as a ministry directed towards the foreign and the Korean, English-speakin...